Humanist greets the day with no smile
Mateusz Kowalczyk will present Wyspa Śmie[r]ci – VR installations with six degrees of freedom built using a gaming engine and photogrammetry. Totaly recommended.
Wojtek Gąsiorowski
Den Grischuk
Emilia Kina
Mateusz Kowalczyk
Faina Malinovska
Sara Piotrowska
Filip Rybkowski
Maciej Szczęśniak
The fantasy of human uniqueness lays in ruins, along with the „ontological hygiene”, which aimed to effectively divide humans and non-humans in our culture. Monsters, avatars, animals, mushrooms, robots and all Others repressed by the process of humanization – therefore, we join the chorus of voices at the end of the anthropocene, singing our own verse of resentment to humanism. Let’s vocalize the silent question: is homo sapiens positive at all, something worth saving, continuing, spreading?
Open until 15th of December
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